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Mobilink Foundation food assistance reaches over 7,000 affectees in Awaraan

Mobilink Foundation food assistance reaches over 7,000 affectees in Awaraan

PictureMobilink Foundation completes first phase of earthquake relief activities in Baluchistan

Mobilink Foundation has reached out to over 7,000 earthquake affectees as part of the first phase of its relief operations in Awaraan, Baluchistan.

Mobilink Foundation collaborated with the Government of Baluchistan to distribute food assistance in various relief camps in the vicinity of Awaraan and surrounding areas. A combined task force of the Pakistan Navy, Pakistan Army, Sindh Police, Pakistan Rangers and Frontier Constabulary provided logistical support in order to ensure safe convoy for the relief items.

Mobilink Foundation was the first from the corporate sector to mobilize relief for affectees. This initiative began with the delivery of water supplies in the week following the disaster. This has now been followed up with food supplies delivered to various relief camps in Awaraan and its surrounding facilities.

Omar Manzur, Head of Corporate Communication, Mobilink highlighted, “The situation in Baluchistan is grave with the lack of shelter being compounded by a scarcity of food and water. As in the past, Mobilink Foundation and its Torchbearers have been the first to respond to Pakistan’s time of need, and we are preparing to reach out to even more affectees of the earthquake in the next few weeks.”

The recent earthquake in Baluchistan has led to widespread malnutrition as a result of food shortages and limited access due to damaged infrastructure. The Mobilink Foundation is mobilizing further resources to initiate another drive to distribute food assistance in relief camps in Awaraan and its surrounding vicinity.

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