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Ufone’s Green Expedition: Plantation activity at SOS Village in collaboration with AIESEC

Ufone’s Green Expedition: Plantation activity at SOS Village in collaboration with AIESEC

Ufone in collaboration with AIESEC is helping to promote various green initiatives that will lead to an environmentally sustainable planet.

A Plant-a-Tree activity was conducted at theSOSVillageto promote a healthy environment and also provides shade for the children, guardians and teachers. Focusing mainly on educational institutes and hospitals, Ufone has conducted various plantation activities in the recent past.

Members of the Ufone Volunteer Group enthusiastically took part in the activity at the SOS village along with AIESEC representatives and all the participants unanimously endorsed the need for more such initiatives in the future.

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization and is present in over 110 countries and territories and with over 60,000 members. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to be global citizens, to change the world, and to get experience and skills that matter today.

Ufone, one of the leading telecom companies in the country, has been at the forefront of many social initiatives which have been taken to benefit the populace. Since inception Ufone has been a socially responsible organization, and over the last few years, has carried out various CSR projects related to child health care and on highlighting the need for a green and healthy environment.

On the occasion, Moazzam Ali Khan, Head of Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility at Ufone said that by carrying out the plantation activity at the SOS village, Ufone has reaffirmed its commitment towards a healthy green environment for the children ofPakistan. He said that it was very important for organizations such as Ufone to infuse the significance of environmental sustainability within the society. He committed that there would be more such initiatives in the forthcoming days as Ufone understood the need to help the children of Pakistan and ingrain in them the benefits of preserving the environment.

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