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Telenor’s Irresponsibility Continues! Dr. Faryal Rehman

Telenor’s Irresponsibility Continues! Dr. Faryal Rehman

Advent of technology must not encroach upon the sensitivities of any culture and multi nationals especially those in the business of communication must realize that one-size-fit-all policy does not work globally and acclimatization and cultural compatibility should be a yardstick while rolling out ad campaigns;

I was truly disgusted to see the other day a giant billboard of Telenor in which JIGARS (whose body language and shameless manners implied they do not represent the mainstream youth but a few who led astray) unzipping a jeans outfit with haughty grin on their faces which certainly gives an odd twinge to the on-lookers. A closer scrutiny revealed it was a discount promotion for a Levis store opened at Bank Road Saddar Rawalpindi

This display of shamelessness sank me into introspection and a cold wave ran into my spine when I realized what sort of moral values we are imparting to our new generation. Jews and the whole Western world is afraid of Muslims because we have not thrown religion out of our daily lives and we still embrace it wholeheartedly in our minutest details. Shamelessness depicted in these ads could be a source of contentment for Jews and infidels but where do we stand?

Earlier Telenor bite the dust and had to publicly apologize for one of its ads in which a boy most stubbornly traces down the whereabouts of his female class fellow through mobile internet; girls are portrayed in Telenor ads wearing sleeveless and skimpy outfits to which scores of parents like me have several reservations. Being a worried parent, I request the concerned authorities to take Telenor to task and ask them to behave in consonance of cultural sensitivities of Islamic Republic.

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