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Telenor’s closure, action against officials demanded, Company wants to make society immoral before leaving – Pakistani’s Voice on different Bloggs

Telenor’s closure, action against officials demanded, Company wants to make society immoral before leaving – Pakistani’s Voice on different Bloggs

Many men and women are still infuriated over the immoral advertisements by Telenor Pakistan and have demanded proper action by relevant authorities.

They blasted the management of GSM cellular service provider foe unethical acts aimed

at damaging society for the sake of profits. One Rammal Mehmood wrote on the blog that it is a known secret that Telenor Pakistan a subsidiary of Telenor, Norway is planning to pack up from Pakistan and focus on India through its subsidiary. But before leaving from Pakistan, the company wants to make our society as much vulgar and immoral as possible. There should be a code of ethics for these companies who indulge in making immoral advertisements.

Maria Khan posted her sentiments by writing, “Telenor is involved in worst kind of marketing for few coins. This greedy and immoral company must be closed and all responsible officials must be booked for damaging our society,” she said. She said, “I don’t know why the authorities, HR and women rights activists majority of who are on the payroll of west are ignoring the issue. Religious parties who claim to believe in sanctity of women folk are also mum over the issue which is shameful,” she said.

Another member of the civil society Muhammed Hafeez Kashmiri said volunteers (lawyers) should come forward and take up the case with the appropriate courts. Religious Affairs, Information and Educations ministries should take notice of these ads. He said that media can also play an important role. Familial training is also an important factor, if positive, he said. Khalid Khan said that he totally agreed with the views presented in the blog. Following western civilization has become a thing of prestige in our society, he lamented. He questioned that why mobile phone companies are offering free talk time for night only. He forwarded another question that what happens with that teenager, young students (girls and boys) who spend all night in talking and spend their days sleeping in class rooms and school college buses.

Khan said that young generation of Pakistan is special target of our enemies because only the young generation can change the destiny of Pakistan, so enemies are trying to make them involved in these use less activities. He demanded that free talk packages for night should be banned immediately.

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