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Telenor’s act of disrespect to Women-Pakistani House wife views on Telenor TVC

Telenor’s act of disrespect to Women-Pakistani House wife views on Telenor TVC

Telenor’s act of disrespect to Women  

 Telenor’s new TV commercial ‘internet more” is based on disgraceful words used against women who form more than 51% of the population of Pakistan. Labeling a college girl as “Taza Hawa Ka Jhonka”, it shows the degradation of society as a whole. It is a source of resentment and an assault on sanctity of women for many believing in social values. The misuse of technology i.e. mobile internet service has been promoted unethically targeting immature minds of college and school going students. Setting aside the responsibility as a corporate entity, telenor preferred immoral language to promote its services among present and prospective users across the country.

“Jisay Moqa Patay hi Talha Nain Kar Dya TAG” is an offensive street language used in Telenor’s advertisement against women. It’s an insult to one’s intelligence and need to be condemned widely.Multinationals are expected to follow values that show respect to individuals. Whenever they derail from this, they not only offend their customers but also the larger community they operate in. They are least expected to pick the regressive parts of popular culture and give them a lease of life. Media’s power to influence public opinion is on the rise in Pakistan. The spread of a message has been increased drastically with the coming in of private TV Channels. At this point of time commercial entities promoting goods and service must work with the highest sense of responsibility. Can Telenor avoid letting down those who are struggling for better gender sensitive society in Pakistan?

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