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Samsung Shows Off Luxury Edition of its Galaxy Tab Tablet Device

Samsung Shows Off Luxury Edition of its Galaxy Tab Tablet Device

Samsung has shown off a limited edition luxury version of its Galaxy Tab tablet computer at the Millionaire Fair in Amsterdam. The luxury version is identical to the standard model, but also comes with a leather case and a Bluetooth headset. The only other difference is that it also says “Luxury Edition” on the packaging.

Otherwise, it carries the same technical specifications, namely the Android 2.2 operating system running on a 1Ghz processor, a 7 inch 600 x 1024 display and two cameras.

The limited edition tablet computer will sell for US$990, compared to an average of $600 for the standard model.

It will be on sale from December 15 to January 31, 2011.

On the web: Samsung Hub – Millionaires Fair

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