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Samsung Receives the Greatest Number of Awards at IDEA 2012

Samsung Receives the Greatest Number of Awards at IDEA 2012

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, a global technology leader has received seven awards at IDEA (International Design Excellence Awards) 2012. Organized by Industrial Designers Society of America, IDEA is the world’s most prestigious design contest. Also the most popular brand for consumers, Samsung Electronics received the largest number of awards among participating companies.

In the enterprise category, Samsung Electronics was presented with seven awards – four gold awards, two silver awards, and one bronze award.

The company’s digital X-Ray equipment (XEGO-GU60, XGEO-GC80) and digital X-Ray user interface received the gold award, indicating a bright future for Samsung Electronics’ newly developing Medical Equipment business.    

‘Digital X-Ray (XEGO-GU60)’ received a favorable evaluation in recognition of its application of a color indication system that provides intuitive information to the user and patient on the equipment operation status and the progress of the exam.

‘Digital X-Ray (XGEO-GC80)’ received the gold award for its substantial reduction of the examination time by displaying X-Ray results without having to go through a print process; as well as the ‘Digital X-Ray User Interface’, which has visualized important information to increase user visibility.

A portable induction cooktop (CTN431SC01) is a kitchen appliance gaining rapid popularity, which received the gold award in recognition for its application of a surface material that ensures easy cleaning and an intuitive user interface.

Silver award has been announced for the ‘Series 9’, which is an ultra-slim, ultra-lightweight notebook measuring 12.9 millimeters in thickness only. The 9-series notebooks are the thinnest and lightest notebooks available in the market that also come with a combination of performance, style and reliability maximized.

The ‘NX200’ – a digital camera that has applied metal to emphasize its image as a precision instrument for professionals also won a silver award

The ‘SB970’ a Samsung monitor that has adopted clear glass for its front giving exceptional beauty to its form received the award in the bronze category.

Samsung’sPakistan’s Managing Director, Mr. John Park expressed his joy and said, “I am glad that the Samsung’s user-centered designs have been acclaimed to such a great degree. We will continue to unveil designs that are outstanding in terms of both aesthetics and functionality.”

Samsung Electronics is strivingto boost design competitiveness even further.  The efforts include decisive and bold design management, SADI, as well as various design expert-training programs such as the Samsung Design Membership.

The IDEA 2012 awards ceremony will be held in the USAon 18th August 2012.

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