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Samsung launches a project to donate houses for flood victims

Samsung launches a project to donate houses for flood victims

Samsung Electronics, a market leader and award-winning innovator in consumer electronics, home appliances, semiconductors and telecommunications, has recently launched a new humanitarian initiative in Pakistan to provide houses and electronic appliances for the flood victims across the nation. In a ceremony held in the Rangpur city near southern Multan region, Samsung presented the funding to IDF – An international NGO, which is building houses for the homeless flood victims, with the support of the United Nations Organization.

A special ceremony and press conference was organized by IDF on 10th September, 2011. in Rangpur, where Samsung announced its support for IDF to build new eco-friendly houses (2 houses for flood affected families). In this initial phase of the project, Samsung has donated the amount for construction of 1 house and appliances for 2 houses. These appliances included a Samsung Television, Refrigerator and Microwave Oven for each house.

Samsung Pakistan’s Senior Manager Mr. H.D. Lee personally attended the ceremony and met the affected families to share their grief. On this occasion Mr. H.D. Lee said; “Samsung is committed to help the flood victims in regaining their healthy lifestyle and getting safe and strong homes as shelters for their families. We are concerned about the poor living conditions of the flood victims all over Pakistan and we are striving to help in quick rehabilitation of these fellow brethren. Samsung will soon be handing over more relief homes and other relief goods in numerous flood affected areas of Pakistan.

As the massive destruction caused by the raging floods in recent months have left millions of people without food, shelter, drinking water, medical-care, and other amenities. IDF and Samsung are working together with a volunteering spirit with the objectives of compassion, fairness and social uplift. Samsung has a long history of valuable contributions in humanitarian programs to promote health, education, environment protection, sports and culture for the Pakistani masses.

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