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Samsung brings an exciting Road show to Showcase Smart Cameras

Samsung brings an exciting Road show to Showcase Smart Cameras

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is the global leader in home appliances, telecommunications and imaging technology. Recently, it organized a colorful event at Hyperstar Karachi, to showcase an innovative range of Digital cameras including; Long Zoom Smart Camera-WB 150F, 2 View Smart Camera-DV300 and the Multi-View Smart Camera-MV800. 

Mr. John Park, Managing Director of Samsung Pakistan, while sharing his views on the features of the feature laden Samsung Cameras emphasized;  “These cameras are a special blend of style, convenience and fun, enabling social extroverts to capture and record all the memorable moments in life. These Smart devices offer superior features for the photography and imaging enthusiasts”.

During the fabulous show held at Hyperstar Karachi, the customers had the opportunity to enjoy the totally connected lifestyle solutions and image quality offered by these state-of-the-art cameras. Everyone could get a hands-on experience with these cutting edge imaging devices, and share the images with their smartphones, Tablet and Laptop computers using the Smart-Sharing functions.

At the first section of the Road show, the participants could see the innovative cameras playing demo videos. The second section of the event allowed the participants to share and create backup of their pictures with SNS sharing. The third section showed the participants’ Self-Shots and photography at different angles. The buyers at the special stall were also given attractive gifts and prizes like; the colorful Smart-Camera T-Shirts.

These sleek Cameras come with sophisticated displays to shoot and record with amazing clarity and colour precision from extremely high and low angles,  for online profile self-portraits, group shots or festive concert pictures and videos, bringing creative features and artistic possibilities at the touch of a button

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