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Samsung’s brand value achieves its historical growth figure of 40%

Samsung’s brand value achieves its historical growth figure of 40%

Samsung Electronics is the global leader in telecommunications and digital technology.  According to Interbrand Valuation results released in October 2012, this award winning innovator has achieved the highest growth of 40% in its history and was ranked 9th with a brand value of US $32.9 billion. This is a great milestone for Samsung, attributed to strong performance in mobile business, enhanced leadership in Televisions and improved brand consistency, along with other brand strengths across numerous categories. The company also achieved 5th position in the IT industry.

Samsung’s global brand value ranking was elevated by 8 ranks this year, after it stood 17th in the year 2011. The average brand value of Top 100 companies grew by 10%, while Samsung average growth among Consumer Electronics and Information Technology industries was 16%.

Samsung Pakistan’s Managing Director – Mr. John Park said; “It is delightful to see that our passionate efforts, inspirational vision and imaginative endeavors are consistently bearing fruits, as Samsung accomplishes a steep climb towards unprecedented success, due to our strategy of generous investments in evolved services and innovative products”.

Samsung’s brand value showed this phenomenal increase, due to strong business performance and improved brand performance, as the figure went up 92% from $ 12.4 billion to $ 23.9 Billion. The contribution of Mobile Business increased from 53% to 73%. The Brand Value of Samsung TVs also showed continued growth, while the IT, Monitor and Domestic Appliances showed a healthy 10% growth as its brand value increased from US $ 1.8 billion to US $ 2 billion, The Semi-Conductor brand also showed a stable performance.

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