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SADA Observes World Health Organization (WHO) designated International Ear Care Day

SADA Observes World Health Organization (WHO) designated International Ear Care Day

Lahore –The Society for Audiological and Developmental Ailments (SADA) recently celebrated International Ear Care Day. The day was celebrated at Race Course Park (Jilani Park), Lahore.  The function was started with the Recitation of Holy Quran by the students of Alam School for Speech & Learning.

It was followed by Remarks by Air Commodore (R) Inam Ul Haq Raja (CEO, SADA). He informed the audience that, SADA was established in 2014 to alleviate the sufferings of hearing and speech impaired children. To augment the efforts in this regard, Alam School for Speech & Learning was established in 2015. He further informed that so far SADA has sponsored 43 Cochlear Implants and fitted around 100 hearing aids. He also added that 17 students of Alam School have been joined mainstream schools.

The most striking event of the day was the performances of students studying in “Alam School for Speech and Learning” which was highly appreciated by the audience and left them emotionally moved.

Speaking at the Occasion, Dr. Afzaal Alam (Consultant Audiologist & President SADA) informed the audience during his speech that out of 1000 new born children 3-4 are affected by severe hearing loss and in Pakistan the number of hearing impaired children is increasing. Most of the effected families belong to low income underprivileged groups. He apprised that initiative of SADA was taken to provide equal opportunities to children with hearing and speech disabilities so that these children can become useful citizen of society as well as their families. He also stressed on the importance of parents’ positive response and efforts towards their children’s rehabilitation.

Member Punjab Assembly Ms. Ayesha Iqbal also graced the occasion. She praised the achievements of SADA and Alam School for Speech & Learning and acknowledged the contributions towards rehabilitation of hearing impaired children. She assured the audience about her continued support towards SADA’s cause both as an individual as well as member of the Provincial Assembly.

National Anthem was performed by the students of Alam School followed by the cake cutting ceremony to commemorate the International Ear Care Day in the presence of students of Alam School, their parents, guests and staff.

At the end of Ceremony, a Symbolic Walk was held to create awareness in society for this cause as students from the Alam School for speech and learning especially participated in this walk along-with all the guests.

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