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PTCL awarded 8th Annual Environment Excellence Award

PTCL awarded 8th Annual Environment Excellence Award

National Forum for Environment and Health has selected Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) for its 8th Annual Environment Excellence Award 2011.

The Environment Excellence Award is organized annually by the National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH) an NGO affiliated with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and supported by Pakistan’s Ministry of Environment. Mandate of NFEH is to recognize and promote organizations that make outstanding contributions towards sustainable development, promote environmental stewardship and build sustainable communities, and  their internal environmental, health and safety practices. A large number of organizations participate in this contest. A comprehensive survey is done to see the ground situation and specific teams visit the contesting companies, discuss the contributions and then decide the award.

PTCL has been selected on the basis of its contribution to improved environmental quality and the progress the company has made compared to its historic trend. Bringing change in its approach towards environmental related causes, which led to development of a long term mission and strategy through implementation of policies that are environmental friendly and have led to positive contributions towards improvement in society in general and environment issues in specific.

PTCL worked towards creating better work environment for its employees specifically and public at large generally. It focused on decreasing adverse environmental impact. Respect for the environment is considered and advocated within the workplace through frequent eco-drives. The lush green lawns, conducive workings conditions, well organized Cafeterias; cleanliness and a number of other facilities are testimony for the uplift of environment conscious policies within the organization. Annual tree plantation drive run by PTCL and provision of clean drinking water to the local community  water filtration plants that benefit about 10,000 people every day are the projects that are for community at large.

For its workforce  PTCL has taken steps to improve its security and health policies; including safety plans by providing safety kits, manuals and trainings for the field staff. Quality medical facilities including number of health centers and mobile medical units are functional for its 30,000 plus workforce. PTCL is among the eight companies of all participating companies that have a formal written Health Security and Environment Policy.

This award is a testimony of PTCL’s efforts to create sustainable communities of the people across the country.

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