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No City like Karachi, No Network like Ufone

No City like Karachi, No Network like Ufone

We as a nation have no dearth of talent. As history suggests the talent to sing seems to come naturally to the people of Pakistan as our country has produced tens of hundreds of artists who have literally ruled the world owing to their sheer vocal talents.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that a local telecom company is actually giving the ‘bathroom singers‘ in Pakistan a chance to be well accomplished artists with a unique opportunity provided to them by Ufone. Anyone can sing but to sing in tune requires much more that just innate talent.

Youth Records seems to be a step taken by Ufone to give the hidden talent across the country a platform to come forward and become the stars of tomorrow.

Youth records is a brilliant initiative as it has given our youth something constructive to do and will help put aside all the negatives around us at present.

So far all we know is that youth Records has called singers and bands for audition tapes. So all those singers and bands hidden underground come forward and take your chance, you may be the next big thing in the country.

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