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Live viewing and trading of stocks made possible with Mobilink StockPro!

Live viewing and trading of stocks made possible with Mobilink StockPro!

Mobilink brings to its family of more than 30 million customers a new form of convenience by providing them the opportunity to view and trade live stocks in Karachi Stock Exchange.Mobilink StockPro developed in collaboration with IGI Securities offers its subscribers the ability to view live stock data in Karachi Stock Exchange and if you have a trading account with IGI Securities, it also allows you to trade as well!

Now, Mobilink customers can remain connected to Stock Exchange via Blackberry or any other Java enabled mobile device, with the help of Mobilink StockPro. So where ever you are or even while you are on the move, you can view and trade your stocks at ease and convenience with Mobilink StockPro!

For more information about Mobilink StockPro, visit

Requirements to use this application:

1.        Jazz or Indigo Customer

2.       Any mobile phone with GPRS & Java support and MIDP v2.0

3.       GPRS subscription

4.       Account with IGI Securities for Trading

Other Features:

a)       Quote Request:

  • An option by which users can request any symbol rate and related market information.
  • The quote symbol could be any symbol not part of the subscribed list.

a)      Change Subscription List

  • Users can add or remove any symbol from the subscription list.
  • While adding a symbol, application will not permit to exceed the subscription limit which is up to 10 scripts at a time.
  • Users can remove any symbol from the subscription list by pressing removing button.

b)      Volume Leader Screen

  • Users can view the top 10 market leaders by volume at any given time.

c)      Top Gainers/Losers Screen

  • Top Gainers Losers Screen displays top 5 gainers and top 5 losers of current market.

d)      Help Screen

  • Help screen includes description of entire Screens in Stock pro application.

e)      Change Password Screen

  • User can change password at any time by providing the old password

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