Reporter PK holds successful internship drive for students

IT holds successful internship drive for students, an online marketplace, recently concluded a successful internship drive for university students. The internship drive was organized as a team contest with all members of the winning team being awarded an opportunity to intern at Kaymu.

The purpose of this drive was to raise awareness around online platforms and their workings amongst aspiring young students. The two day event, organized by as part of AIESEC’s Youth to Business conference, enabled participating students to develop their own online business models, amongst other activities.

Students were also given an opportunity to interact with ecommerce industry leaders associated with Kaymu, which enabled these young minds to learn more about the online world.

Commenting on this initiative, Haris Khan, Head of Online Marketing at Kaymu Pakistan Mr. Haris Khan said, “Kaymu actively strives to attract Pakistan’s youth to be a part of the country’s growing ecommerce industry by giving them regular opportunities to be a part of our organization. It is encouraging to see so many students participating in our internship drive. I hope we continue to raise awareness around ecommerce in a positive and constructive manner.”

A total of six teams from a number of different universities were shortlisted after the initial round of competition. For final selection, the teams were asked to present their ideas for the promotion of Kaymu’s latest mobile App. After a presentation round, a team of five students studying at the Lahore School of Economics bagged the internship positions.

Pakistan’s online industry is looking to grow aggressively and it is highly encouraging to see young job seekers showing interest in becoming a part of this booming sector.

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