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Fresh St! , hosts a Cooking Class Featuring ShireenAnwer

Fresh St! , hosts a Cooking Class Featuring ShireenAnwer

Lahore-Fresh St! hosted a cooking class in collaboration with Karachi Chefs At Home (KCH) and ShireenAnwer. The skillful and renowned chef ShireenAnwer taught the audience a total of six, distinct and appetizing dishes.

On the occasion, SamrahMunsub, Director,Samrah Enterprises, said “We’re so humbled and pro

ud of the response we have got from today’s event. We aim to provide our consumers with a wide range of high-quality products available to them through one reliable brand name.”

Syed Muhammad Salman, VP Marketing, Samrah Enterprises, said “After years of research, development and testing,we introduced a wide range of sauces & condiments to entice the taste buds of consumer.We are committed to make life easier for homemakers by providing products everyone can trust.”

ShireenAnwer, an expert Chef, added, “I really enjoyed using the wide range of products that Fresh St! has to offer, I have tried them before as well and I believe they are really good quality products. I’m definitely going to stock up on these products and I encourage all my students to do so as well.”

Saba Mohsin Sheikh, Admin Karachi Chefs At home, also added, “It was an honor to be a part of this event and working so closely with Samrah Enterprises &ShireenAnwer. Everyone who attended the event learned a great deal. Everything you need to prepare your favorite dish and satisfy your cravings with is all available within the umbrella of House of Samrah.”

All those who were a part of the audience also received goody bags, courtesy of Samrah Enterprises, full of some Fresh St! as well as other brand Goodies for them to enjoy. The audience was aslo really excited as they also got to be a part of an exclusive tasting of the premium new range of Hills & Vales ice cream.

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