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Buksh Energy Joins DANIDA Delegation to Denmark seeks Renewable Energy Partnerships

Buksh Energy Joins DANIDA Delegation to Denmark seeks Renewable Energy Partnerships

Buksh EnergyBuksh Energy Pvt. Ltd. (BEPL) is a leading energy integrator company, which is striving to develop the renewable energy sector of Pakistan. The senior management and board of directors of BEPL have always been on-the-go, to discover new opportunities for the energy sector of Pakistan and talk about the country’s potential for producing renewable energy.
Along with Buksh Energy, there were 6 other Pakistani companies participating in the trip to discuss the energy spectrum of Pakistan. These companies included; Creative Electronics & Automation, Associated Textile Consultants, Dynamic Engineering & Automation, EMR-Consult, Tesla Industries and Hafeez Ghee & General Mills Pvt. Ltd.
In Denmark, the delegation met prominent Danish companies, to deliberate on projects in the fields of;Wind energy, Water technology and Solar energy, while they alsovisited project sites, that show-case the deployment of relevant technologies in Denmark.

The Chairman of Buksh Energy – AsimBuksh stated that; “I would like to thank the Danish Embassy for this highly productive initiative, which will lead to immense opportunities in technology transfer and business collaborations between the two countries, while enabling Pakistan to explore new vistas in developing energy eco-systems, using the latest technologies.

We are very hopeful that our visit to Denmark will help in identifying new partners and enhance the technology options and models for us and our clients. We are very appreciative of the fact that the Danish Embassy has taken this initiative. He added that;The real potential for trade between our two countries is significantly higher than the current trade volume of around $425 million and I am hopeful that the two countries will collaborate to enablemore ventures for achieving economic and financial stability.

While expressing her views on the initiative, the Director of Buksh Energy, Ms. Fiza Farhan said” I am grateful to the Denmark Embassy and DANIDA for giving Buksh Energy and its team the opportunity to represent the energy sector of Pakistan on this international platform.Denmark’s energy sector presents an excellent model for a countrylike Pakistan, which iscurrently facing its worst energy crisis.Nearly 27% of Denmark’s energy mix comes from renewable sources of energy and the country is self-sufficient inrenewable energy resources. Buksh Energy is looking forward to expand the advanced technological energy solutions it offers to customers in Pakistan. These include Biomass / Biogas and “Waste-to-Energy” projects in partnership with Danish companies.

Buksh Energy has gained expertise and competence to successfully bring sustainable technological innovations to Pakistan, with the first demonstrative project being launched in December 2014, through collaboration with a Danish Company. The company believes that this initiative will create inspiration for other EU embassies in Pakistan, to facilitate similar projects, in order to strengthen bilateral trade relations.It is a revolutionary step for Pakistan to adopt the renewable energy solutions, offeredby Denmark, a country thatis pursuing a clear vision to become an absolute Green Nation by the year 2050, ensuring zero carbon emissions.
Asim Buksh and Fiza Farhan with other Pakistani Delegates

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