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APBF says peace vital to prosperity of Pakistan

APBF says peace vital to prosperity of Pakistan

The participants of momentous conference organized by All Pakistan Business Forum (APBF) have, through focused discussions, chalked out a roadmap for a non-violent, peaceful, prosperous and developed Pakistan.

Organized in four different cities, these focused group discussions proved effective in finalizing the roadmap for a modern Pakistan as representatives of media, civil society, chamber of commerce, various trade associations, industrialists, law enforcement agencies came up with the suggestions on how to make Pakistan a citadel of peace among the comity of nations.

The participants of these focused group discussions were unanimous in their approach that extremism was destroying the very social fabric of our society and hindering Pakistan’s development and prosperity. Unless extremism is rooted out, there cannot be peace and prosperity anywhere.

“The role of every segment of the society is vital to bring calmness to lure investors and create a conducive business environment for the development of Pakistan,” said All Pakistan Business Forum (APBF) President Ibrahim Qureshi.

All the participants including speakers, panelists, civil society representatives and media persons praised the efforts of All Pakistan Business Forum President Ibrahim Qureshi for providing various multiple stakeholders a unique platform to sit together and come up with suggestions on how to promote peace for a business-friendly environ in  Pakistan.

“All Pakistan Business Forum regularly organizes such conferences and forums on very important issues concerning business, trade and development at local and provincial levels, with the purpose of creating a consensus among multiple stakeholders that promotion of peace and harmony can lead to a prosperous Pakistan,” said Ibrahim Qureshi, adding that the participants of the conference had agreed to implement the focus group discussion roadmap in letter and spirit to achieve the desired results.

APBF is a vibrant business association with representation from numerous industries and business sectors. Thousands of APBF members and participating entrepreneurs are collectively promoting and protecting the interests of the business community in Pakistan. The association also advises the government on policy formulation, regulatory realignments, economic reforms and implementation to ensure better quality of life for common citizens.

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