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APBF calls for skilled human resource for prosperous Pakistan

APBF calls for skilled human resource for prosperous Pakistan

Goveror Punjab

All Pakistan Business Forum has stressed the need for development of skilled human resources as no country can prosper without a sizeable investment in its human resource development.

This is what All Pakistan Business Forum’s President Mr. Ibrahim Qureshi shared while talking to Governor Punjab Mr. Rafique Rajwana as the head of delegation comprising members of BoD of APBF.

Commenting on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), he said, this vital project would transform lives of over three billion people by interlinking the region with modern infrastructure.
CPEC has transformational impact on regional prosperity as it will be a fusion of multiple developments in the global, regional, bilateral and domestic contexts. The ultimate objective of CPEC is peace, prosperity and well-being of the people of two countries, region and the world
APBF President Mr. Ibrahim Qureshi said that infrastructure projects under the aegis of CPEC will span the length and breadth of Pakistan and it augers well; not only for the industrialists of Pakistan but skilled human resource of Pakistan also.

While talking to the delegation, Governor Punjab Rafiqu Rajwana lauded the efforts of APBF in helping build a prosperous and peaceful Pakistan.
CPEC is fast gaining momentum in Pakistan after Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Pakistan in April 2015. It is a 3,000-km network of roads, railways and pipelines linking Kashgar in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and southwest Pakistan’s Gwadar Port.

It is a collection of projects currently under construction at a cost of $46 billion intended to rapidly expand and upgrade Pakistani infrastructure as well as deepen and broaden economic links between Pakistan and the People’s Republic of China. It is expected that CPEC will result in the creation of 700,000 direct jobs between 2015–2030 and add 2 to 2.5 percentage points to the country’s annual economic growth. On this occasion, Mr. Ibrahim Qureshi also briefed the Governor about activities of APBF.

The APBF delegation comprised Mr. Khalid Rafique (Chairman), Syed Maaz Mahmood (Secretary General), Mr. Asim Shahzad, Mr. Asif Tippu, Mr. Nazir Hussain and Mr. Khalid Malik.

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